
  • 1993

    The start

    In 1993 Henk Mos and Buis van Velzen take over their old employer's bankrupt household effects and start Afak Techniek BV.

  • 1999

    As one of the first companies in The Netherlands Afak Techniek started working Autocad Inventor. This addition accelerated production and opened new possibilities for the company.

  • 2010

    Afak Techniek grew steadily and became internationally know for their fish processing equipment. Because of this growth, a bigger office space was needed. The old building was completely renovated in 2010, adding a second floor. This floor is occupied by 5 engineers using the latest CAD software, making sure we can provide our customer with a tailor made treatment.

  • 2018

    In 2018 Afak celebrated her 25 year jubilee with their 50 FTE's.